School Goals

Gales Ferry/Juliet W. Long Goals


Vision:  Ledyard Public Schools- a community for exemplary learning

Mission:  Ledyard Public Schools facilitate experiences for our community that cultivate a joy for learning, perseverance, independence, and social responsibility through innovative teaching practices.

Goal Categories:  Leadership, Communication, Technology, Curriculum


Goal 1- GF/JWL staff members will build their capacity and contribute to the learning community both at the school and district level.

Action Steps:

  • Revisit Domain 4 of the CCT at a fall faculty meeting
  • Offer opportunities for staff members to lead and share new learning at grade level team meetings, faculty meetings, and other PL sessions
  • Organize and run book studies in the spring facilitated by staff members


  • Agendas from faculty meetings, grade level team meetings, and other PL sessions
  • Book club schedules and discussion notes


Goal 2- GF/JWL staff members will promote social responsibility to create a positive learning community.

Action Steps:

  • Identify core values based on School Climate Survey results
  • Create consistent behavioral expectations/ consequences and use common language
  • Develop videos/skits to model expectations
  • Revise office referral forms to align with school-wide behavioral expectations
  • Explicitly teach social skills
  • Recognize positive behavior
  • Further develop the student leadership team


  • Copy of behavioral expectations/consequences and office referral form
  • Copy of common language used throughout the learning community
  • Copy of videos modeling behavioral expectations
  • Lesson plans related to social skills
  • Agendas/videos of All School Meetings
  • Minutes and other documentation from the student leadership team (Colonel Captains)

Goal 3- GF/JWL staff members will use technology to enhance instruction and communication.

Actions Steps:

  • Learn more about MAP reports and use the information to shape goals and instruction
  • Use the new website and other technology tools to enhance communication with parents
  • Collect and use materials/resources to facilitate collaboration with colleagues both at the school and district level


  • Goals and progress monitoring data
  • Contents of website
  • Resources used and shared with colleagues

Goal 4
- GF/JWL staff members will embed 21st century skills into instruction in order to prepare students to be career and college ready by the time they graduate.

Action Steps:

  • Learn more about what targeted 21st century skills look like in the classroom
  • Develop lessons and create learning environment in which these skills are promoted
  • Increase student engagement and build in student choice


  • PL opportunities and grade level team/faculty meeting agendas
  • Lesson plans, student work